Mastering Your Finances, Embracing Your ADHD

Are you a successful professional struggling to manage your wealth despite your achievements? You're not alone. Many high-performers with ADHD excel in their careers but find financial management challenging.

How to Get Started


Schedule Your Intro Call


Create a Plan Together


Walk the Plan Together

Here's How I Can Help

1. Streamlined Systems: Create simple, ADHD-friendly financial processes that work with your brain, not against it.2. Hyperfocus Harnessing: Learn to channel your intense focus into financial growth and stability.3. Impulsive Spending Solutions: Develop strategies to curb spontaneous purchases without feeling restricted.4. Clear, Concise Communication: No financial jargon or overwhelming details – just actionable, easy-to-follow advice.Ready to take control of your finances without changing who you are? Let's talk.

Book a Consultation

Set a time with me for your complimentary consultation by selecting a date from the calendar below.


What Clients are Saying

Karim Shallwani, DDS, TexasHow would you describe your financial situation before working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
Not great. It was okay, but not great.
Why did you decide to work with Berman Budgeting Basics?
Because you’re a money coach for ADHD people. I think regular money coaches would probably get irritated with me, but you understand me and my needs and that they’re different from neurotypical people. I’ve tried all the other approaches and I’m ready to do it
How did you feel going into your first money coaching session?
Feeling good, pumped & ready for this; it’s a new year, and one of my resolutions was to manage my finances better & be more intentional with my spending habits
How did you feel after you left it?
Felt good!
How would you describe your financial situation since working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
I am much more organized with my finances, I know where each dollar is going, I feel much more comfortable & confident in the way I spend my money. And I’ve paid off a ton of debt that I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t worked with you.
From your experience with me, what would you tell someone who's on the fence about hiring me as their financial coach?
It will be one of your smartest financial decisions to hire Stephanie. If there’s someone who is in my position and is struggling to get their finances under control or has trouble budgeting, or just needs answers to every day financial questions, I think that having a money coach and someone who is experienced in budgeting and experienced in organizing money and categorizing money, I think that will just literally transform their lives and transform their financial picture.

BethHow would you describe your financial situation before working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
It was a mess & I was always operating in the blind and in the red. Don’t look don’t know attitude
Why did you decide to work with Berman Budgeting Basics?
Because I thought you were the person I saw on Instagram, but you do neurodivergent money stuff, and it’s because you do that that I decided to work with you. If you were a normal accountant, I wouldn’t have worked with you.
How did you feel going into your first money coaching session?
Good, confident we can fix this together, feeling like I missed something in my preparation but I figure you’re used to that.
How did you feel after you left it?
Feel good, it helps you’re going to send me an action list, I don’t feel any shame, so good on you, and I feel like we’re making progress.
How would you describe your financial situation since working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
It’s a lot better. I feel like it’s possible to get more organized, and I realize I need to add more clients.
From your experience with me, what would you tell someone who's on the fence about hiring me as their financial coach?
If you want to learn what you’ve never learned before about how money works, in a shame free environment, you need to work with Stephanie

Katie Pool, IdahoHow would you describe your financial situation before working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
Why did you decide to work with Berman Budgeting Basics?
You were friendly and you seemed to understand the issues I was having, that you could help me. You listened to me.
How did you feel going into your first money coaching session?
Excited. Nerve-wracking to spill your bad habits to someone, and your budget is a mess. I was ready for changes.
How did you feel after you left it?
Pretty good.
How would you describe your financial situation since working with Berman Budgeting Basics?
My awareness of spending has increased a lot. I’ve gotten better at asking myself questions like,”If I didn’t buy it, what would I use the money for instead?” I have a better understanding of how to make a zero-based budget.
Why is it worth the investment to hire me as your money coach?
If you’re struggling with financial issues, then you need to work with someone who knows more about that than you do. Stephanie is accommodating with the way my brain works.

Charles & Sarah, WashingtonStephanie came into our life when we were arguing about our finances and struggling to make ends meet month to month. She has taught us how to be more accountable to each other and ourselves when making important decisions regarding money.We were both nervous and scared when this journey started. We are now confident and optimistic.Stephanie is definitely a pitbull when it comes to keeping us on task and encouraging us to make attainable goals each month. She is not at all judgmental when we have made mistakes. Instead she very wisely and creatively showed us how to prevent the mistakes from happening again.I would recommend Stephanie to anybody who is looking for a strong money coach. Her sense of humor is like no other and she has experiences that are relative to what she is trying to teach.Thank you Stephanie for coming into our lives and helping us make sense of our finances so we can have financial stability for the future.

Brian & Jeannie, OregonI am a naturally nervous person and had to think long and hard about paying someone to coach me to be able to handle my money better. It almost felt counter-intuitive! But every single time I attend one of our meetings I am left feeling so confident and so optimistic that this month will be even better than the last!My only regret is that I wish I had signed up sooner! Stephanie always has a new way of looking at things that I never would have thought of, and her service continues to bless us every month as we watch our savings account grow for the first time ever! The best part is that she is a real, down-to-earth person who has gone through all of the things I am currently working through and is living proof that there indeed is a light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you, Stephanie!




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